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Armed with an MFA from Boston University I plowed my way through several productive careers in the arts including Instructor in drawing and painting, Dean of Admissions at The Art Institute of Boston, President of Documentary Educational Resources - a film company. I finally have lived long enough to have something to write about and I now can say “I am a writer.”

Since 2009 I’ve been a contributing editor for Documentary Magazine. In addition, serving as a contributing writer for Vermont Woman magazine, Art New England, Vermont Art Guide, Artists Magazine, Pastel Journal, Watercolor Artist, The Artist’s Network, and Art & Object. I regularly exercise my skills in writing non-fiction. I attempt to make everything I write engaging and personal, showing the fragility and heroism that is part of everyday life. I believe all writing is implicitly about relationship building between the writer and the reader. 

As a founding member of the Burlington Writers Workshop, I have had creative non-fiction published in the 2014, 2016, and 2017 anthology The Best of the Burlington Writers Workshop, and have had essays published in various literary journals and anthologies from 2013-2024 I was the inaugural art editor for the literary and art journal Mud Season Review launched in 2014 and former blogger for The Flynn Theater in Burlington, Vt.

I live two blocks from Bernie Sanders in Burlington, Vermont. My loving, Ethel died in 2023.